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How to Make An Apple Sandwich With Persimmon Cream

    With Thanksgiving just 2 weeks away and not having posted anything, I decided it was time for me to post a recipe again.Previously when I posted one, it was back-to-school time so I posted quick snacks to provide. This recipe is just as quick, but instead of a snack, it's an amazingly healthy dessert for Thanksgiving! 

    The amounts in the recipe below are for one person. Please adjust your recipe as needed.



Hachiya Persimmon

Crème Fraîche/Fresh Cream

A Little Sugar (optional)






Two small Bowls




To make the "Persimmon Cream":

Grate part of the Hachiya persimmon into a bowl. Mix the grated particles with a dollop of cream until it is a lumpy batter. Add sugar to taste if needed.

To make a sandwich:

Step 1: Cut the apple in half.

Step 2: Take out the seeds.

Step 3: Slather the Persimmon Cream on the bottom half of the apple.

 Step 4: Put the top half of the apple on it.


 Step 5: Enjoy your dessert. Use the leftover cream to make more!


    If you make enough of these sandwiches for your guests, you can serve them for your Thanksgiving dessert. I hope you enjoy it. As a side note - you might need to add a lot of sugar to make it sweet. The kids will love it any way! 
