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A Basic Sketch For Arduino (Uno R3) Using The Seeed Studio Sensor Kit Base

 Arduino ® is a registered trademark of Arduino SA. This article is not sponsored by/an advertisement for Arduino. The rules may be reviewed here and here. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Have you ever heard of Arduino ® ? It is a microcontroller that helps you do many things such as robotics. Recently, I have been tinkering with the Arduino Uno R3 and the Arduino Sensor Kit from Seeed Studio. Since it's almost 2024 (Yay!) and the blog hasn't seen any new posts recently, I thought this was the perfect way to get back to it. What will you need?  You will need the following components for this project. Arduino Uno R3 Board Arduino Sensor Kit Base (from Seeed Studio)  A note about the Sensor Kit's contents:                    The Sensor Kit from Seeed Studio includes the following: LED Buzzer/Piezo (used in this project) OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) Display, 128×64 dots (...
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How to Make An Apple Sandwich With Persimmon Cream

     With Thanksgiving just 2 weeks away and not having posted anything, I decided it was time for me to post a recipe again.Previously when I posted one, it was back-to-school time so I posted quick snacks to provide. This recipe is just as quick, but instead of a snack, it's an amazingly healthy dessert for Thanksgiving!      The amounts in the recipe below are for one person. Please adjust your recipe as needed.   Ingredients: Hachiya Persimmon Crème Fraîche/Fresh Cream A Little Sugar (optional) Apple   Equipment: Grater Spoon Two small Bowls Knife   Procedure: To make the "Persimmon Cream": Grate part of the Hachiya persimmon into a bowl. Mix the grated particles with a dollop of cream until it is a lumpy batter. Add sugar to taste if needed. To make a sandwich: Step 1: Cut the apple in half. Step 2: Take out the seeds. Step 3: Slather the Persimmon Cream on the bottom half of the apple.  Step 4: Put the top half of the apple on...

Day 9

Day 9 is way better than most others in the 21-Day Challenge. What is it? 9. Replace 'I have to' with 'I get to.' Replacing something isn't very easy. But this time, replacing words, it is so simple! For example: 'I have to work on my blog post.' → 'I get to work on my blog post.' 'I have to go to school.' → 'I get to go to school.' 'I have to do homework.' → 'I get to do homework.' This helps gain a growth mindset.

Days 7 and 8

When I read Number Seven, my first thought was, "I already have this!" But, as it turned out, I did not . 7. Create a new morning routine. My new morning routine is Wake Up Jump Up And Down 1 min Study 5 mins Get Ready For School 10 mins Morning routines are important. They reassure you that the day will be fine. They wake you up and make you more alert. After a morning routine, you feel good about yourself.  After tomorrow, you might say, 'I'm an early bird!'  _____________________________________________  The early bird gets the worm, and it's definitely true in this case! 8. Wake up half an hour early. Well, today I did. Now I feel amazing! When you wake up early, nobody else is around. You can do as you like without anyone else stopping you. You also have more free time. When you wake up early, you aren't hurried. You aren't in a jostling crowd. You can move wherever you like without being squeezed. To sum it up, waking up early is good for yo...

Day 6

Looking at the calendar, I see that today is day 6 of the 21-Day Challenge. 6. Exercise for 30 minutes each day. Exercise means to move your body to keep fit. I think I should do some yoga. My favorite yoga videos are made by Cosmic Kids. Try some of their videos here . When you do yoga, you: exercise your muscles become more mindful When you have been staring at a screen for an hour, you absolutely need to move. Otherwise you will become stiff. If you become stiff, it'll be hard to move. Another way to get outside is to take a walk or a hike. It can be in your local park, or a national park, maybe even a cross-country or a hike on the Appalachian Trail! I guess it's time for me to take a walk. See you tomorrow!